Christmas on the farm

Back to work next week. This week has been for CHRISTMAS… the Christmas-cookie-decorating-apocalyptic-mess, the barefoot Christmas Eve game of Rundown (guess we won’t be singing In [...]

Contemplating work

Yes, I know it’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been WORKING. A lot. And contemplating. From Thomas Merton’s Seeds of Contemplation: The requirements of a work to be done can [...]

Got a title suggestion?

The contract from Princeton University Press has been negotiated, issued, signed, and returned. So now I have a question for you: what should the book be called? Important details: The book [...]

Hi ho, hi ho…

I’m back to work now. So, in no particular order, here’s what’s occupying the brain of THIS working writer on the first day of December… 1. I’m waiting on the [...]