Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-28

Fresh pasta experiment: sage tortellini with ricotta & mozzarella filling, served with browned butter. DS13 SNARFED them, vacuum-like. # Release date for The History of the Medieval World! [...]

Publication day!

Today’s the formal release date for The History of the Medieval World. It’s actually been shipping for weeks; “publication day” is a myth, as I’ve noted before. But [...]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-21

A werewolf would have eviscerated loud paper-crumpling whispering couple next to us, thus improving movie tremendously. # Watching Olympic snowboarding. I know this is supposed to be a real [...]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-14

Taking DD9 out for Girl Day, her choice of activities. Not sure what we're doing, suspect will involve nail polish & visit to craft store. # Making peanut butter & jelly muffins for [...]

Medieval World sightings!

(Not to be equated with “Big Foot Sightings” or “Jersey Devil Sightings.”) This, from Tantor Media; The History of the Medieval World will be on audio! Twenty-two and a [...]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-07

Closing Peace Hill Press office tomorrow. We've got 10" of snow and VDOT has declined to plow/sand/salt/notice secondary roads. # Local lane now has both sand and sunshine. Chances of [...]

Upcoming lecture at the Smithsonian

If you’re within a comfortable distance of Washington D.C., check out the seminar I’m doing at the Smithsonian on May 1: The Well-Educated Mind: A Self-Guided Classical Education [...]

A couple of Medieval World notices

One of my favorite editors in the world, John Wilson at Books and Culture, just put up a reflective and interesting podcast about the History of the Medieval World. (Note–the podcast will [...]