Just a quick note: you can read a few of my thoughts on the Edwards Affair here.

More soon.

Showing 6 comments
  • Adrienne Wadel


    Great article on Edwards. He is truly wretched.

    BTW, thanks for doing what you do! My kids and I get much enjoyment from reading SOTW together!

    PS…thank you for such honesty in your blogging.

  • Karen

    Very well-written article. I think you nailed the real problem with Edwards, Clinton, et al very nicely.

    And like Adrienne, thank you for writing such wonderful curricula. I recently received my First Language Lessons and SOTW: Ancient Times Activity book, and am so excited to be using them for school this year!

  • A Circle of Quiet

    Excellent work. Oh, in this year when my daughter will be voting for the first time, I long more than ever for a candidate I would jump on the band wagon with. Guess I will have to wait a little longer.


  • Lana

    I don’t know enough about Edwards to say if I agree with you or not, but I do like the article. It is thought provoking, as usual. I am really looking forward to reading Art of the Public Grovel.

    And while we’re singing praises of curricula…Writing With Ease is one of the best things that has happened to my home school ever!

  • Lizzy

    Cool! As Switchfoot sings, “we’re all politicians…” so maybe I need to work on my grovel. Thanks for the preview!

  • Steve

    Your remarks regarding John Edwards were brilliant. I forwarded your thoughts to several friends, explaining to them that your wisdom is to be admired. Incidentally, I love your books and can’t wait to read the rest of your “history” series. Thanx so much!

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